SMC Manhole covers

Our customers mould our SMC materials to produce manhole covers according to EN 124 Standard within A15, B125, C250 and D400 grades. Depending on the specific application, we will recommend you the best tailor-made formulation to meet your requirements.


AbrasionLow ShrinkChemical Resistance
HydrophobeLow ProfileReactive
ResistanceSurfaceUV Stable


  • UV stable
Glass Fiber ContentIT.CA-1225 — 60%
ShrinkageISO 25770.05 — 0.20%
Flexural StrengthEN ISO 14125150 — 450MPa
Flexural E-ModulusEN ISO 141259000 — 18000MPa
Tensile StrengthEN ISO 527-460 — 300MPa
Impact Strength (Charpy)EN ISO 17960 — 150kJ/m2
DensityEN ISO 1183-11.7 — 1.9g/cm3
Water AbsorptionEN ISO 62< 0.3%
Heat Distortion TemperatureISO 75-2-A>280ºC

The values will depend on the specific formulation